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Here’s a story about the letter E.
You make uppercase E like this.
You make a straight line down.
You make one line across on top.
You make one line across on the middle.
You make one line across on the bottom.
You make lowercase e like this.
You make a line across. You make a loop all the way around to here.
Some words that begin with E are . . .
the Empire State Building.
Now here’s our story.
Once there was an elephant that was named Esther, who was exercising in an empty elevator. She did eleven flips.
She used her phone to check her emails.
She saw an email from her friend, Eli the Eagle. He’s sending email from the Empire State Building, where he’s working.
There was an eclipse coming!
It was gonna stop the electricity. He needed Esther’s help!
So Esther back-flipped out of the elevator and eagerly bounced to the Empire State Building.
She jumped from the Empire State Building aaaaaaaaaalll the way into space, where she can see Earth.
And then she did eleven million flips to make a bunch of electricity . . .
. . . that she took back to the Empire State Building and charged all the phones and computers so everyone can get their emails.
The end.
What E words did you find in the story?