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All About Sailing

Come sailing with us, and see what it’s like to be out on the ocean!
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go sailing? Come sail with me to learn what it’s like to be out at sea! I’m captain of a sailboat today, I get to steer the boat wherever I want! There are many other types of boats out on the ocean too. Like paddleboats and super fast motorboats! And when we’re out on the ocean, we’ll see some awesome animals too! Dolphins that swim together and jump out of the water to play, and pelicans that fly in the sky searching for fish to eat. Read along in this interactive story to learn more about sailing! What’s your favorite boat on the ocean?
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Ahoy there! I’m Sam. I’m on a sailboat! We’re going to my favorite place to swim. Come along and let’s see what else is on the water! There’s a sailboat! It’s just like mine. Can you see the sail? When the sail is up and the wind is blowing, our boat goes really fast! A paddleboat! A paddleboat uses pedals to move, just like the pedals on a bicycle! Wow, there are lots of people out on the water today! Dolphins! They swim together and jump out of the water to play. Sometimes you can hear them talk to each other in the air. When I’m out on the ocean, I see lots of different animals. Whoa! A cruise ship! Have you ever seen a boat that big before? There are lots of different kinds of boats on the ocean with us! It’s time to swim! We made it to my favorite place to swim. I can’t wait to jump in and see what we can see under water!
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