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All About Horses

The girl in this story loves horses and wants to be a riding teacher one day!
Giddyup! Have you ever wondered about the life of a horse? The girl in this story loves taking care of her horse, Kate. She loves horses so much that she even wants to be a horseback-riding teacher when she grows up! Do you know the kinds of things you have to do to take care of a horse? Kate needs to play, sleep, be fed, get a lot of exercise, and be groomed. It’s a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it! What do you want to be when you grow up?
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This is my horse, Kate. I got her when she was a baby foal. Taking care of her is a lot of work. I like to do it because I love her. Kate lives in a stable. A stable is a house for horses. She can sleep inside or play outside with all of her friends. Horses eat grass for food. They graze. Kate eats a little, then stops, then eats a little, then stops. All day long! It keeps her healthy. Horses need a lot of exercise. Kate likes to run and jump outside. Sometimes she does a slow jog and sometimes she sprints really fast. I clean Kate’s feet every day. Her mane and tail get messy a lot, just like my hair. I brush them so she looks beautiful. I want to be a riding teacher when I grow up. Maybe one day I’ll teach people and their horses to be star jumpers!
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