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\f0\fs24 \cf0 I am black and white. I live in forests. Who am I?\
I\'92m good at climbing trees. I like to eat bamboo. Who am I?\
I am a panda!\
Can you pretend to be me? Sit cross-legged and cup your hands like my cute, round ears!\
I live in the trees. I have bright feathers. Who am I?\
I have a large beak. I lay white eggs. Who am I?\
I am a parrot!\
Can you pretend to be me? Flap your arms and pretend to fly!\
I live in the jungle. My fur is orange with black stripes. Who am I?\
I have big teeth and a long tail. Who am I?\
I am a tiger!\
Can you pretend to be me? Curl your fingers into claws and say \'93Roar!\'94 \'93Roar!\'94\
I live at the North Pole. My white fur makes me hard to see in the snow. Who am I?\
I like to swim in the icy water. Who am I?\
I am a polar bear!\
Can you pretend to be me? Sway as you walk on all fours and say \'93Grrrr!\'94\
I live in the desert. I have brown and gray fur. Who am I?\
My home is a big burrow that I share with my family. Who am I?\
I am a meerkat!\
Can you pretend to be me? Sit up and keep a lookout for snakes! Say \'93Chirp!\'94\
I live in the ocean. My skin is smooth and silvery. Who am I? \
I am not a fish but I swim like one. I like to play and jump out of the water. Who am I?\
I am a Dolphin!\
Can you pretend to be me? Flap your arms like flippers and whistle!}