DAD is one of our Power Words: words that resonant with children because they have an emotional impact. Each Power Word has a unique animated story where only one word is spoken, the Power Word, and the word is constantly displayed. This time the word is DAD. In the story, a baby lion wakes his sleeping DAD for a bit of play, but after a romp DAD and cub fall back to sleep together. This sweet, funny, lively short story reinforces the word DAD for beginning readers.
DAD is one of our Power Words: words that resonant with children because they have an emotional impact. Each Power Word has a unique animated story where only one word is spoken, the Power Word, and the word is constantly displayed. This time the word is DAD. In the story, a baby lion wakes his sleeping DAD for a bit of play, but after a romp DAD and cub fall back to sleep together. This sweet, funny, lively short story reinforces the word DAD for beginning readers.
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Power Word: Dad
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