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Hey, Dan! What’s the matter?
Oh, Mike, I can’t tell the difference between a pirate and a parrot.
Really? You can’t tell the difference at all? No.
Well, it’s a good thing I wrote this song about it.
Oh, I got feathers and a beak.
Are you singing about a parrot?
I flap my wings and sometimes speak.
Are you singing about a parrot?
Tell me have you ever heard what’s a pirate’s favorite bird?
Are you singing about a parrot?
I got a patch right over my eye.
Are you singing about a pirate?
I search for treasure far and wide.
Are you singing about a pirate?
Bravely sail the seven seas. There’s no one out there mean as me.
Are you singing about a pirate?
I’ve got wings.
You’re a parrot!
Peg leg.
You’re a pirate!
My name’s Polly!
You’re a parrot!
My name’s Guybrush Threepwood.
Oh, shiver me timbers and a yo ho ho.
Are you singing about a pirate?
Squawk uh oh uh oh.
Are you singing about a parrot?
Pirate or parrot, if you just can’t tell, take a big whiff and determine by the smell.
Pirate or parrot?
Pirate or parrot?
Pirate or parrot?